Monthly Archives: November 2013

Why would you go shopping today when you could ride?

wolhIMG_0675I won’t say that my first “real” ride post-Thailand was especially fun, including the part where Kevin was really pretty annoyed at having to get up early (he was out of practice himself, having all manner of reasons for not having ridden while I was gone) but still, just getting out on a bike, on a beautiful morning like today… hard to imaging anything better you could be doing!

Just Keith (too-fast Keith) and his racing friend Chris (too-fast Chris) who, thankfully, were in a pretty mellow mood. If they had been looking for fast, they would have opted for this-morning’s low-key hill climb race up Mt Hamilton. Heck, if I’d been in good shape, I’d want to do that myself!

The original plan had been for a slow-but-steady ride out to the coast, but between a hacking cough Kevin was developing and my depleted energy levels while dealing with this bug I brought back from Thailand, we opted for the regular ride, nothing more. Sure, would have been nicer to spend more time out there, but all things considered, it seemed like the right thing to do. Get back into the rotation and hopefully do something more-challenging on Sunday!

Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. Amazing how many people we saw out riding, walking, jogging. Not shopping. I’m sure we had some people frustrated that Chain Reaction wasn’t open, and we did have some calling on Wednesday to see if we would be. Such calls surprise me, but they don’t offend. Strange world.

Lack of posts <> Karen got eaten by Tiger

Just need to clear a few things up here regarding the lack of posts. Trip to Thailand was great, too much going on to update. We did do one easy ride, for an hour or so, around central Chiang Mai on bicycles. We did visit Tokyo for a few hours during our layover on the way back, something that most would think pretty crazy to do, but hey, that’s the norm for me. And I did get struck pretty hard by some sort of “thing” that sapped my strength and made the final flight home seem like something that was never going to end.

But I’m back. I rode to the shop today, and rode home hard & fast, despite it being the first time on the bike in over two weeks, despite having lost literally 4.5 pounds of water that I sweated out last night. Yes, I weighed myself when I got back (ouch! 175!!!) and then again this morning (170.5). And yes, tomorrow morning will be the regular Tuesday/Thursday-morning ride, on Kevin’s 21st birthday (and Thanksgiving), no less.

I feel great. Film at 11. –Mike–