Monthly Archives: October 2011

Good to be back!

Hated missing Tuesday’s ride, but it was for a good cause, speaking at a press conference in DC where Congressmen/women Womack (Republican Representative from Arkansas) and local Democratic Representative Jackie Speier were introducing their bill that will attempt to level the playing field for online and local retailers, not to mention help the states & cities out of their financial binds by making sure taxes are collected on internet transactions. Even has signed on, so it’s possible it could actually happen.

It was a fast couple of days, flying out Monday afternoon, arriving in DC at 1:45am Tuesday morning, catching a few hours sleep then finally visiting the Dulles Air & Space Museum, which is incredible! Then Tuesday morning it felt just like the annual bike lobby gig in March, going over the issue and then visiting with a number of representatives on the ‘hill prior to the press conference. I did not enjoy my time speaking before the cameras & bright lights. If I do it again it will likely be easier though. Ten years ago I never would have thought I’d be spending time in DC meeting with legislators and trying to change the world in a macro way, rather than just focusing on bikes, one customer at a time. Overall it’s more rewarding working with bikes, one customer at a time. 🙂

This morning’s ride- wow- what great weather! Won’t be long before leg warmers aren’t optional, but today, mid to upper-60s, dry roads, nice people, what more could you ask for? How about a visit from the past, Fritz K, who used to race way way back in the day about the time I did? He had to get back early so just rode up through the park with us, but promised he’d be back. Also, on the way to Kings Mtn, we saw someone else from the wayback days, Peter Johnson. He’s done well as a machinist, and used to do exceptionally-well as a bike racer. Wonder who I’m going to see next?

Getting back to the ride- up through the park, which meant I was hanging on to the back watching most everyone, including Kevin (my son, not the pilot) riding up ahead a bit. Everyone would be Kevin (my son), Kevin (the pilot), Eric, John, Millo (who had ridden up ahead of us and met us at Skyline), Todd… I think that’s it. Kevin was in ditch-Dad mode, although he says he was just trying to ride at the front. Ditch-Dad mode is also likely to see a seizure, which it all-too-predictably did, on the steep part just past the middle of the climb. The usual quick recovery and he was back on the bike, good as new.

Yesterday’s easy 93 miler

Got busy and ran out of time last night to report on the ride so I’m catching up while waiting for my flights to DC.

Got tired of the usual run to Santa Cruz so did the Big Basin loop instead. South through the foothills, Redwood Gulch to quickly remind you why you do or do not like climbing, then up 9, down the other side to Boulder Creek, 236 looping up through Big Basin to Waterman Gap, back up 9, north on Skyline and down 84 to Woodside.

It’s strange being near Boulder Creek and not doing China Grade but there’s actually more climbing this way, as you gain and lose elevation a few times on the way to Waterman Gap.

Kevin and I stopped for coffee and food at the Starbucks in front of our Los Altos store, hoping the caffeine might help Kevin avoid any seizures. No seizures so we’ll keep this routine up! Stopped again at Boulder Creek for Mtn Dews before heading back up for the apparently-mandatory hot dog from Mr. Mustard at Saratoga Gap.

Great climbing weather, mostly between 58-72 degrees. A lot nicer than the cold drizzle outside the plane as we await take off in Oakland!

93.77 miles, haven’t looked at the climbing yet but probably about 7500ft.