Monthly Archives: October 2011

36 years at this, and it’s still personal (true confession time?)

It’s hard, as a business owner, to stay upbeat and focus on the positive sometimes. There are so many things that go right but what you hear about, what you spend a lot of time doing during the day, and sometimes losing sleep over at night, are those things that go wrong. Today is one of those days.

I spent untold hours trying to put together a reasonable email advertising a sale we’re having, trying to make it somewhat interesting, knowing of course that I’m pretty severely graphically-challenged so I can spend hours at it and it’s still not going to look pretty. To say that is a drain on me is an understatement; I can type all day long and be reasonably coherent and pleased with the results, but it’s rare that, when I finally hit the “send” key and it goes out to 5,238 people, I’m not thinking I could have done better, that many will regard it as yet another piece of spam in the inbox (despite the fact that they are our customers or signed up on-line for our emails). Continue reading 36 years at this, and it’s still personal (true confession time?)

No Jacket Required? Maybe last week!

I didn’t even pause to consider going without legwarmers and a base layer this morning; it’s late October and while it’s still super-nice later in the day, there’s a definite chill in the air when the alarm clock goes off at 6:57am.

Mid-sized group this morning, with Eric, Karl, Karen, Zack, George, Kevin (the pilot), and a new guy whose name I don’t recall that’s a terror on the morning ride, that 6am ride for crazies who don’t realize that’s when you’re supposed to sleep.

I felt a lot better than I had any right to, having been up later than normal last night due to problems with one of my printers (had to print out some visa photos for an upcoming trip to China, and for some reason, my lips kept coming out green… thinking about it, the printer’s getting on in years, so it may be time for retirement). So I had that working against me, and the first pretty cool morning of the year, down to 44 degrees at one part! At least it was a much-nicer 48 in Woodside.

It would have been one of the faster rides if not for Kevin (my son, not the pilot) and his continuing issues with seizures and double-vision. Will be nice when we can finally get that figured out, but in the meantime he continue to improve his group-riding skills and really looks forward to getting out with the guys (and girl).