Monthly Archives: September 2012

West Old LaHonda pretty busy lately

Picture taken by Nigel’s cell phone on West OLH

Out of the fog, into the clear blue skies. Pretty big change from the start of our ride to the top of Skyline. Nobody melted the asphalt today, although I can’t be absolutely sure of that since Kevin dropped off the lead pace pretty early on the climb, suffering a bit from what appears to be another kidney stone. He did prove that you can ride doped up on Percoset, but unfortunately there’s no evidence it’s likely to be banned for enhancing performance.

Late-arriving email from Nigel confirms that Kevin wasn’t in any shape to observe the goings-on at the front; the asphalt was being melted, as Nigel may have broken through the 24-minute barrier!

West OLH is getting more attention this week, with light gravel laid down along it’s entire “open” section but, thankfully, no oil. Not sure what the point to laying down gravel on a paved road that gets almost no traffic (more bikes than cars) and then have it gone over by the two street sweepers we saw today. It’s definitely ok to ride on, but a bit more slowly than normal.

Lost on OLH, tied on Haskins, beat him on Tunitas

Yet another “coastal classic” outing; Old LaHonda, Haskins to Pescadero, Stage Road and back via Tunitas. Normally not too challenging, but since I was dealing with a nasty cold, and Kevin hasn’t felt great the day before, I wasn’t sure how it would go.

In a nutshell, for me, it reaffirmed my belief that cycling cures everything. I held up ok on OLH (only a couple minutes behind Kevin), and had no issues keeping up on Haskins. It helped that it was a spectacular day, and I felt like I could actually breathe.

It was on Stage Road where I began thinking of taking advantage of a rare day without headwinds and daring to consider a Strava run. I did get a personal best for the first climb on Stage, but I was looking for Stage from Pescadero to San Gregorio (and really thought I had it… but apparently not).

It was on Tunitas that I found myself dropping Kevin, a highly unusual situation on a climb. Even stopped about 2/3rds of the way up, on one of those hairpins where you can see way down the hill, to make sure he was ok. Killed my time, but probably would get in trouble from the wife if I came home alone. She’s funny that way.

All in all a pretty good ride, and I definitely felt fewer aches and pains from my cold after.