Monthly Archives: March 2012

Yelp strikes again- Now it’s fake businesses

Yelp reviews a biz just down the street from us... only it's not there

I’ve had a hate/hate relationship with Yelp for some time, starting with their extortion attempts a few years ago to get better listings (by paying $300/month per location to put your best reviews up top) and continuing with at least one local shop that essentially pays people for positive reviews. Well today we have something new. Click on the thumbnail for the larger picture of a Yelp review (the original can be found here if it’s still up) for a Singaporean restaurant at 1 Maple Street. 1 Maple Street is the leasing office for the large apartment complex next door to us; there is not, nor has there ever been, a restaurant at that corner.

Friday night (March 16th) I flagged the reviews and added one of my own. It will be interesting to see how long it stays in place.

Yes, we rode Thursday

Hate it when the diary entries are a day or two behind! You’d think the rain would slow business down enough that I’d have plenty of time to keep up, but we’ve actually been pretty busy with Trek Project One special orders (higher-end road bikes) and trying to make sure everything’s set before heading to DC for the annual bike lobbying event.

Kevin and I were met by Karen and Eric at the start of the ride; typical of many rides lately, we had a bit of drizzle, but thankfully not as cold as it’s been lately. We made it up Kings to the park entrance when Kevin tells me he’d forgotten to take his epilepsy meds, which is not a good thing (and, thankfully, very rare). Rather than risk anything happening, we sent Karen and Eric on their way (OK, Kevin sent them on their way; I didn’t have enough in my legs to catch up to them to let them know) and headed back to the house, where Kevin took his meds and then we went off again, this time heading out Alameda to Sand Hill, back up through Woodside, Canada Road and home. Only 26 miles (instead of 31) and a whole lot less climbing. Much better than just cancelling the ride though!

After a very strong December, January and February, it’s looking like March is just not going to be much of a month for me. Rain putting a dent in longer rides, cold doing a number on my breathing, and now a week off the bike as I head for DC Sunday morning. By the end of this month I may be fat but I’m not going to be happy.