Monthly Archives: November 2013

8 or 9 flights, everything like clockwork, until the last segment (plus road warrior’s essentials)

Chillin’ at the LAX United Club

It seemed like a really good idea at the time. I arrived at LAX at 5am, and my flight out to San Jose wasn’t until 8:30am. And that flight would mean having to be picked up at the airport, and I’d rather be as self-sufficient as possible, taking public transportation to get as close to home (Redwood City) as possible. So I check to see if I can get onto the 6am flight that goes to SFO instead, which would eliminate the three-hour layover at LAX and allow me to take BART and CalTrain from the airport. Really did seem like a good idea, until, once everyone boarded the plane, they announce that it’s gone mechanical and won’t be leaving until, maybe, 8:30. There’s another flight to SFO in 40 minutes, but it’s already full-up, so I’m back on the phone to United, getting onto my original flight.

Could be worse; at least on an international itinerary I can hang out at the United Club with comfy chairs and electrical outlets, drinks and snacks. Not that I’m not drinked & snacked-out already! Was going to say “drunk & snacked out” but while grammatically-correct, that doesn’t quite sound right, especially since I resisted a mixed drink on the overnight flight from Honolulu to LAX.  I thought about it… if maybe a Gin & Tonic (about the only mixed drink I like) might help me to sleep, but thought better of it. Not quite sure why though. Since I have, at most, 3 or 4 “drinks” (anything alcoholic) per year, I feel funny about asking for one, as if somehow, whomever I’m asking knows. As if I’m going to screw-up ordering something as simple as a Gin & Tonic and betray my lack of something-or-other. Go figure.

This is what makes it possible to be on the road without a shower and not feel like you're rolled around in kitty litter. Bathing wipes, rinse-free shampoo and a travel towel. Where has this been all my life???
This is what makes it possible to be on the road without a shower and not feel like you’re rolled around in kitty litter. Bathing wipes, rinse-free shampoo and a travel towel. Where has this been all my life???

Worst thing about traveling like this, besides the lack of anything over two hours of sleep at a time, is not feeling clean, a natural consequence of not taking a shower. Especially on a trip like this, which has been entirely through tropical/high-humidity areas (Honolulu, Guam, Manila). Thankfully I’ve learned a bit over the years and picked up a pack of No-Rinse Bathing Wipes (think diaper wipes designed for King Kong), No Rinse Shampoo, two extra sets of clothes, and a travel towel, all picked up from our good friends just down the street at Redwood Trading Post. It all works surprisingly well; after two days on the road I don’t feel any worse off than halfway through a workday. Actually, not quite so sure about the shampoo. It does get ride of any greasy feeling, but your hair feels a bit crisp, like some hair-care product that tries to keep it in place. But definitely better than feeling greasy.

More rationalization

And what exactly is this that they served on my Guam to Manila flights? Chicken-something. Edible yes. Tasty no.
And what exactly is this that they served on my Guam to Manila flights? Chicken-something. Edible yes. Tasty no.
There’s more to the story of why someone would fly 16,250 miles and not stay anyplace more than three hours. Most people aren’t going to get this, because they’re more-or-less normal. But if you can stretch your thinking a bit, one of the attractions to spending 48.5 hours on planes, in an uncomfortable seat, eating not-so-great food, and trying to hastily make your way to your next connection in an unfamiliar airport, is this-

Nobody can call me in the air. I’ve got anywhere between 4 and 8 totally uninterrupted hours during which I can do some “heavy” thinking, or not think at all. I can actually read a book. And I can put myself totally at the mercy of other people whose job it is to get me where I’m going. Which, in this case, is nowhere.

Most of my life is so planned out that I don’t get much time to plan, if that makes sense. Sometimes I end up wasting time when I should be working, just because I get so many things going on in a normal day that I feel like I’m going to explode if I keep myself 100% to the task at hand.

Flying “nowhere” really does get me past that, at least for a while. And I will admit that I have a preference for the absurd, for challenges that most wouldn’t want to take on because they’re not something that a reasonable person would want to do. I mean seriously, if you get uncomfortable and fidgety after just an hour in an airplane seat, how can you intellectually face the fact that you’re voluntarily going to be putting in another 47 hours worth? That’s a mental challenge, and seriously, when you can stare down that sort of thing and ride it out, can you imagine what that does for your patience elsewhere? Nothing can stop you!

The other thing this satisfies is my love of figuring out how things work. Systems. Airports alone will tell you a lot about how things work in a given country. And it’s also fun to observe people, and how different they are in, say, a Manila airport than just about anyplace else I’ve ever been. Maybe Cairo comes close. You do start to develop an appreciation for just how nice SFO really is, and how relatively-orderly things like security and finding your gate are here, vs, say, Guam (or Manila).

And finally, one of the greatest things about an epic two-day trip through the air is that feeling you have when you arrive back home. Maybe it wouldn’t feel so great if you weren’t fighting a shoulder that just can’t get comfortable in an airplane seat?

My plane pulled up right underneath me as I type. In one hour it flies me form HNL to LAX. I hope!
My plane pulled up right underneath me as I type. In one hour it flies me form HNL to LAX. I hope!
But for now, it’s time to come home. I’m in the United Club at Honolulu Airport (HNL, but I’m trying to avoid too much jargon), with a red-eye leaving soon for Los Angeles (LAX) followed by a short flight to San Jose, arriving 9:45am. I’m arriving at LAX at about 5am so I’m going to see if I can get my San Jose flight switched to an earlier flight going to San Francisco. Not technically within the rules, but might be possible. That way I can take BART and CalTrain back to Redwood City, so nobody has to drive far to pick me up. We’ll see how it goes. And hopefully I’ll catch some sleep on this flight. So far about 4-5 hours last “night”. Which does bring up the weirdness of time. I left Guam at 7am Friday morning. It’s 8:17pm Thursday as I type this in Hawaii. Weird, eh? –Mike–