Monthly Archives: October 2013

Watt did you say? First ride with a power meter- very cool, could make you faster!

My Stages Power Meter arrives for my bike!
My Stages Power Meter arrives for my bike!

We’ve been a Stages Power Meter dealer for a while, selling them to a small number of customers. I think that’s going to change. The “small number” I mean. I did my first real ride with one today, the “Coastal Classic” Pescadero Tunitas loop, and there is no doubt it made me faster.

First things first. It was an authentic, “clean” test of power measurement, because I was riding solo. Kevin had another bad day (the kidney issues which may or may not actually be kidney issues; they’ve never really figured it out) and it was 2:15 pm by the time I finally got out the door. Part of me was thinking maybe I should do something shorter, but once I got out there, it was the same mindset as always. Stick to the plan.

Old LaHonda was interesting; I didn’t feel all that great, especially for the lower part, but the power meter proved its worth, with a new PR (“new” being relative; new as far as Strava goes, which means the past 5 years). 21:09. A far cry from the 15-somethings I used to do back in the day, but fortunately Strava doesn’t go back that far.

How did the power meter help? It’s simple, really. It allowed me to find the right gear. I stopped focusing on speed and just watched the power reading, and noted which gear gave me a higher reading with the same perceived effort, “perceived” meaning same level of pain/discomfort. The result was surprising; in almost every situation, going to a lower gear increased the power I could lay down.

Stage Road still has quite a bit of gravel on this section
Stage Road still has quite a bit of gravel on this section

No stop at Pescadero for food, since I was racing the sun, but I did stop to take a few photos at the duck pond in LaHonda, along with an unscheduled stop shortly thereafter when I had a chain issue up front. Something to do with a severely-worn front chainring, which I would have replaced some time ago but since the plans are for a new bike in my future, I’ve let it go. I’m thinking it’s time to revisit that, even though the DuraAce chainrings run about $260. It has lasted about 30,000 miles though…

Stage Road between Pescadero and San Gregorio is still not fun to ride, with quite a bit of gravel remaining on the “repaired” section, and a road surface that’s a whole lot worse (for bikes) than it was before. Quite a bit of a headwind heading north, so I was developing power, but not much speed. At least, with a power meter, you get some degree of credit for those nasty rides into the wind!

Tunitas was not easy; I was hoping for a tailwind, but none available, and truth be told my legs were beginning to wear out a bit from the previous efforts (basically, trying to impress my power meter). I ended up with 48-something, a good 3 minutes slower than just a couple weeks ago. Still put in a pretty strong effort on the upper stretches, again checking to see which gear would develop more power. But in the end a bit disappointing on the flatter section, as it sure felt faster than my time for that part indicated.

Way behind!!! In posts that is. On the bike, not so bad.

6:55am and Jack, our psycho Corgi, doesn't exactly look lively. Yet in seconds he's going to be pouncing on Kevin's door to wake him up.
6:55am and Jack, our psycho Corgi, doesn’t exactly look lively. Yet in seconds he’s going to be pouncing on Kevin’s door to wake him up.

I did try and update yesterday from my iPhone, but obviously that didn’t take. Tuesday’s ride went very nicely, better than expected. Large group, maybe 10, including Kevin (pilot) who had turned 58 that day. Whether that provided his inspiration to come in first at the top of Kings or not, don’t know; he wasn’t riding in a way that would stamp his authority on things, since had that been the case, I would have lost him long before the top. But I had a nice, consistent ride, coming in at 26:30 for Kings, a very fast October time for me.

Today (which is now yesterday) we had a somewhat mellower climb through the park, taking a good minute longer for that section than recent rides, despite Marcus showing up today. Another beautiful fall day, a bit cool but warming as we went.

Kevin looking happy at the top of Kings.
Kevin looking happy at the top of Kings.

Oh, and Chris showed up. Haven’t seen him in ages; he’s one of the few that can give Marcus a good run for his money on the climbs. Thankfully he wasn’t going full-gas today; something about having been off the bike for 3 weeks. Wish I could ride as fast when I’m putting in lots of miles as he does when he hasn’t ridden at all!

OK, so why have the entries been so sparse and late lately? Because things have been much busier than normal for October. That, of course, is a good thing. Helps to pay the bills. But it’s definitely created a bit more work for me taking care of things at the shop, so by the time I get home I’m a bit more tired than I’d like to be, and haven’t been spending the extra hour or two that I normally would, working on shop stuff from home.

My bike's way too comfortable here.... (Donut King in Redwood City)
My bike’s way too comfortable here…. (Donut King in Redwood City)

One thing can’t change though, no matter how busy things are. Have to ride. Either that or give up donuts and mochas. Can’t do that, so better keep riding!

I should also mention that a new toy arrived for me today. A Stages power meter. Yes, after all these years, I’m joining the ranks of the truly obsessed (as if Strava hasn’t put me there already!). Just installed it for my commute home tonight; it’s first real test will be Sunday. Film at 11.