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Export date: Wed Sep 18 20:55:24 2024 / +0000 GMT

In position on the Galibier

Not the easiest getting up the Galibier this morning; first, Kevin had a seizure and subsequent face plant climbing up the Lauteret (he's ok; this wasn't a "Chris Horner" event), and when we get to the base of the Galibier there are literally many thousands of cyclist going nowhere because they've closed the road. And this is 6 hours before the race comes through!!! But that doesn't stop us. We're stupid, y'know? There's a literal goat path that connects with the Galibier maybe a mile up the road, and we didn't come all this way to see the big stage on a TV in a bar! That plus we KNOW we can get there, while all these others are turning around and making plans to do something else. Well here we are. 700k from the finish, and having no idea why they were turning all those people away 'cuz the middle of this climb is EMPTY!!! Oh, it's cold up here so good thing I loaded up the rack bag with everything possible to wear. The light rain and hail seem to be gone though. Film at 11!
Post date: 2011-07-21 07:37:21
Post date GMT: 2011-07-21 14:37:21
Post modified date: 2023-02-27 23:30:18
Post modified date GMT: 2023-02-28 07:30:18
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