Another beautiful New Years Day ride on Mount Hamilton!

It’s January in the western hemisphere. Winter, right? 70 degrees, no significant rain for weeks and none in the forecast!

This weather has become nearly absurd. As much as it makes for fantastic rides and greatly benefits our business, it’s kinda spooky and you gotta wonder if we’re really going to pay for this later on (maybe 40 days & nights of rain?). But for now, I’m advocating guilt-free cycling. It’s not as if we can do anything about it.

I saw temps up to 70 degrees on Mount Hamilton, with a comfortable 64 up on top, just like the forecast. Kevin and I rode up with Mike & Andrew from the shop and, for a little while, Lanier, a customer of ours from a ways back. Lanier was just a bit too fast though, gradually pulling away. Of course, we did try to keep up, or at least Kevin, Mike & Andrew. Me? The invisible elastic cord reaching from my handlebars to their bikes eventually snapped and I watched them ride off ahead.
About 5 miles later I came around a corner and there they were, tending to a flat tire on Mike’s bike. I waited for a couple minutes, making sure they had things under control, then went on ahead on my own, knowing that they’d be heading up the rest of the hill at a pace I wouldn’t be able to match anyway. I kept looking back, wondering if they were catching up, but managed to hold them off to the end and got up to the top about a minute ahead.
Got some nice video from the ride, especially the trip back down the hill, but need to edit it down to something short enough for youtube. Also need to get some real training back into my diet, if I expect to be able to keep up with my son. He rode away from me twice this morning, and enjoyed it far too much.

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